Video Monday

Holy copyright infringement, Batman! It’s Turkish Star Wars (Complete with ripped-off ANH footage, and keeping with that theme, I think I saw an old-school Cylon as well.) Also on Youtube, a very painful training scene And there’s a sequel! More information on the films at Cinematical, with more video at iFilm. (Video via Bonnie)

Songvid alert! Captain Jack is bringing the sexy back. Aspect ratio is off, but I don’t care.

Futurama returns! It’s in ur house, drinking ur beers.

Remember the Vector Prime commercial? Ha ha.

G4’s X-Play hits Star Wars again with an Imperial Press conference and the Rebel shopping network.

Bits and Pieces

Video Monday

Spreading like wildfire this week is The Vader Sessions, where lines from various James Earl Jones movies are dubbed in over Vader. Honestly, I found this earlier and I didn’t really think it was all that great, but tons of folks are linking it so I’ll let you judge for yourselves.

My vote for teh maxibig funneh is A Beginners Guide To Faking Your Death On The Internet. LOL internets!

Also: Carlos Mencia on Star Wars. Truth!

Star Wars YMCA
I have a bad feeling about this…
Pirates of the Caribbean Dance Challenge
Park Wars

From the Blogside

In An American Mythology: Why Star Wars Still Matters Steven D. Greydanus looks at the mythic roots of the saga – and a few common criticisms.

Pablo finds an amusing letter in one of the old Marvel Comics…

Darth Morbus ponders religion and the force. Should we tell him about the folks who think they’re actual Jedi?

The Wookiee has no pants explores the use of religious metaphors in fandom.

Taxy’s adorable Pirates review doodle bring up Star Wars similarities. Beware spoilers!

Discussion: Beej wonders why people still make zines. I’ve been wondering that myself for years. Yeah, having fanfic in tangible form is nice, but that’s why Adobe gave us PDF format.