TV News Roundup

Battlestar Galactica is hemorrhaging viewers, thanks to the use of DVR’s. Can the Sunday night move save it? Apparently, a decision will be made mid-February when the actors’ contracts are up.

HBO will be developing George R.R. Martin‘s A Song of Ice and Fire into a television series.

And the producers of Lost insist they have an endpoint in mind. You apparently have two more seasons to enjoy, as they’d like to end it at 100 episodes. And here you thought they were making this up as they went along….

Geeks Rule TV!

In ongoing evidence that geeks continue to take over the world, there are several genre shows in TV Week‘s semi-annual Critic’s Poll of the Best and Worst in Television.

At the Number 2 spot was Heroes, followed by Lost and Battlestar Galactica at numbers 6 and 9, respectively.

Of interest to many Jaders is The Office (3) and The Daily Show (14) also made the list.

Happily, no geektitude made the Worst list.

And would it be sucking up too much to say that we look forward to the upcoming Star Wars TV series making this list in the near future?

Anyone still watching Lost?

I gave up when I realized I had four unwatched episodes (in a row) on my DVR late last season. That’s what you get for going up against Veronica Mars, ABC.

Anyway, Entertainment Weekly is comparing John Locke to Luke Skywalker. (Yes, spoilers if you haven’t been watching.) Also mythchecked is Simba from the The Lion King, which is giving me images of James Earl Jones pontificating from a cloud above the island.

Bonus video: Nobody’s Watching “Lost”