TV Round-Up – It’s that most wonderful time of the year

Ah, don’t you just love the smell of a new TV season?

There be some spoilery (yet oh, so intriguing) tidbits on Watch with Kristin‘s weekly spoiler chat about returning shows Heroes Smallville and Supernatural.

Speaking of Heroes, TV Guide is also offering up a bit of a sneak peek into the sexy of Season 3.  (Hey, if we can get more shirtless Mohinder?  I am all for it.)

As for the new shows, JJ Abrams talks to them about Fringe and a little film he’s doing for the Trek franchise.

Firefly and Dr. Horrible‘s Nathan Fillion has had his new series picked up.  Not sci-fi, but we wish him luck, all the same.  (And could we get a little shirtless action there, too?)

Yup.  Smells like a new season!