Today in The Force Awakens: Oscar Isaac doesn’t think ‘leaks’ have ruined much

tfa-ss-isaac327→ In an interview with Yahoo, Oscar Isaac talks about the security surrounding the production, and says that the fan theories “couldn’t be more far off-base.” Given that most of what we have is concept art and not necessarily indicative of the finished product? Yeah, probably.

→ Speaking of… Today Making Star Wars has TIE fighters and how the pilots board them.

→ The Telegraph looks into ILM in London.

→ Yesterday’s hot topic was that Warwick Davis saying he’s “excited by” the “chance to see members of the old cast in the poster,” which was (naturally) taken as a hint that we would see the alumni on the poster. Seeing as Davis himself clearly hasn’t seen it yet, that assumption seems a bit jumpy, but that’s the internet for you.