Today in The Force Awakens: EW gives us… A nice picture?

tfa-ew-illo→ The meat of the Entertainment Weekly preview piece seems to be this analysis that showed up today, plus sidebar on John Boyega that showed up on Tumblr. Neither really tells us anything we don’t already know, but the illustration by Martin Ansin is nice.

Matt Martin accidentally started a meme. I’m just glad that I’m not the one gathering the tweets, but here’s mine. I Sharpied!

Oscar Isaac got his uncle in Star Wars, and he jokes about wearing a Gonk costume to Comic-Con next year.

→ Now Wired is looking at how fast the TIEs in the trailer are. Math geeks, it’s okay. We don’t need to know.

→ Rumor corner: Making Star Wars on concept art of a new alien sidekick.

→ What did I forget yesterday? The Disney XD trailer featurette is now online. It’s… Not for us.