Looks like Mercy Kill is Apocalypse sample chapter

Del Rey’s Erich Schoeneweiss tweeted the above tonight, which appears to be confirmation that the “extensive excerpt of book one of the next Star Wars series” in Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse will be from X-Wing: Mercy Kill. Though, given how far ahead that exact wording from the Spring catalog was written, I wouldn’t take it as gospel that Mercy Kill will be the first of a new X-Wing series. (After all, technically it’s not a book 1… Is it?!?) Stay tuned…

Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse is due out on March 13, while X-Wing: Mercy Kill is currently on the schedule for August 7.

5 Replies to “Looks like Mercy Kill is Apocalypse sample chapter”

  1. That’ll be the first thing I read when I get Apocalyse.

    More X-Wing novels would be absolutely fantastic, especially if they involved the characters that we know and love IMO.

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